Team Workshops

Launching a new programme, bringing together a new team or looking to get clear on your objectives? A Graphic Facilitated workshop encourages effective communication, visualises ideas and promotes inclusive collaboration to ensure a cohesive and innovative start to to your venture.

Esther Springett leading a Visioning and Strategy Workshop for Hastings Commons.

Vision and Strategy

Set the vision for your programme or project and create a visual plan your team can get on board with in a dynamic day-long workshop for teams.

  • Align your team on a vision and leave no stone unturned.

  • Combat short-termism and take a long and ambitious view.

  • Set actionable goals and create a roadmap for the future.

  • Promote a sense of collective accountability within your team.

  • Create a visual mission statement for your organisation.

Available in-person and online.

Team Building

Identify the strengths and untapped potential within your team and create a visual tool to communicate your shared values in a half-day workshop.

  • Engage in hands-on activities and exercises designed to foster teamwork, communication, and trust among team members.

  • Address inclusivity and diversity within the team, fostering an environment where every member feels valued and appreciated.

  • Empower team members to take ownership and pride in shared values.

Available in-person and online.

Innovation Lab

An interactive half-day session empowering teams to explore their ideas freely, within a nurturing and enjoyable visually facilitated workshop.

  • Encourage creative thinking and innovation through guided visualisation

  • Generate new ideas and solutions without judgement.

  • Leave tidy boxes and pigeon holes at the door.

  • Explore creative mindfulness exercises to support the overall mental and emotional well-being of your team.

Available person and online

Client Testimonials

“What an amazing tool to unscramble all of our ideas and dreams. It worked especially well for myself as a person with a creatively, visually inclined learning style that still appreciates order and practical application.”

Team Member, Eggtooth

Vision and Strategy Workshop Member

“I especially enjoyed the grounding exercises at the beginning of the workshop, it unites the group and helped us really enter the room. We are rowdy and passionate bunch of people, Esther held the space respectively and expertly.”

Team Member, Eggtooth

Vision and Strategy Workshop Member

“Esther brings the vibes! We really enjoyed working with Esther over a series of three day Team Building, Vision and Strategy workshops. It was inclusive, thoughtful and insightful. We are super happy with our HUGE timeline on our office wall. We are really excited to have Esther back to run sessions with young people at our youth club.”

Sidney, Samara and Leon, Hastings Youth Commons

“The visioning workshop was an extremely powerful way to visualise the future. Setting deadlines and having something that can hold you to account, but also reminds you of the achievements to date, is incredibly motivating! Esther is great at holding the room.”

Team Member, Eggtooth

Vision and Strategy Workshop Member

Explain it visually, see it differently.